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How to Soundproof a RoomDon’t forget the windows when thinking about how to soundproof a room. Standard glass allows sound waves to pass through with only minimal dampening, and the edges around windows can also let plenty of sound pass.

Ultimately, the best method for how to soundproof a room may depend on your intended purpose for the room and how much you wish to spend.

How to Soundproof a Room: Window Options

Upgrading from single-pane, standard glass to advanced options represents the biggest part of how to soundproof a room with windows. In addition to double- and triple-pane windows, you also need to consider the effects of dissimilar glass and laminated options. The information below will help you to decide on the best option for your situation. Remember that is nearly impossible to ‘soundproof’ a room completely, but quite often people ignore one of the most important elements of reducing the noise: windows!

Below is a breakdown of your options. You will see the letters ‘STC’ which is short for: Sound Transmission Coefficient – AKA STC Ratings.

Soundproof A Room

Double-Pane Windows:

Double-pane windows feature two completely separate panes of glass, with gas filling the space between them. Sound waves get trapped and dispersed when passing through the two panes and the dead air between them.

Double-pane key facts:

  • STC in the high 20s to low 30s.
  • Small but noticeable noise reduction.

Triple-Pane Windows:

Triple-pane means three panes with two gas-filled air pockets between them. However, this set-up does not necessarily reduce more noise than double-pane. If a sound wave can get through double-pane, it probably can pass through triple-pane as well.

Triple-pane key facts:

  • STC in the low 30s.
  • Often more expensive with same STC as double-pane.
  • Very heavy—window unit must support greater weight.

Laminated Glass

Windows with laminated glass feature a carefully applied layer of PVB inside two panes of glass. When sound waves pass through, the PVB layer deadens the noise.

Laminated glass key facts:

  • STC ratings typically run 32 to 35
  • Price increase of 10% to 50%
  • Helps with music and other varied noise sources

Dissimilar Glass

Dissimilar glass windows consist of two different types of glass, with different thicknesses and composition. Part of the window will deaden some sound waves, and the other part will deaden different sound waves. This results in more noise reduction and greater coverage of different wavelengths.

Dissimilar glass key facts:

  • STC ratings typically run 30 to 34
  • Price increase only 3% to 20%
  • Helps with music and other varied noise sources

How to Soundproof a Room: Consider All Factors

When deciding how to soundproof a room, think about the level of soundproofing you require. Then we can discuss which products best suit your needs. Type of window and quality of installation will greatly affect the effectiveness of your soundproofing.

To find out the best options for your situation, contact D and D Glassworks!