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In the initial stages of window replacement projects most people try to determine which type of window would serve them best whether it be for style, safety or energy ratings.  A large percentage of homeowners aren’t really sure if they need replacement windows or new construction windows. Making a comparison of the two may be an excellent way to determine which window replacement option is most suitable for you.

The Difference Between Replacement Windows and New Construction Windows

Window Replacement

When speaking about replacement windows or ‘flush fin’ windows it mainly refers to custom made or standard size windows built to fill an existing window opening. Originally created to avoid re-doing the stucco in home replacement windows are now available in a variety of window and architectural styles making window replacement for any window type easy.

Using replacement windows for window replacement projects also helps to preserve building structures by minimizing the risk of exterior damage with easy installation eliminating the need for remodelingWith this approach after the old window is removed the new replacement window is attached inside the window opening with a flush fin which is sealed with a metal guard along the perimeter of the window. Using this method people can conduct fast, affordable window replacement without the loss of other features or tarnishing the appearance of the home.

New construction windows on the other hand are also units designed for window replacement, home building or major remodeling projects however these particular units are attached to the home’s framing from within using nail fins instead of flush fins. Also known as the nail fin window the new construction window requires a more intricate and expensive installation process and will most likely involve stripping away materials, replacing woodwork or stucco finishes and repainting.

Although new construction windows are great for window replacement projects the hassle and expense associated with this type of window make them a less desirable option especially if you’re only aiming to do window replacement or minor remodeling .

Are New Windows Really Necessary? – Glass Replacement May Be All You Need!

Window replacement for cracked, loose or foggy glass can easily be managed by simply replacing the glass and leaving the existing window in place. Did you know that replacing window glass ranks as a fairly difficult DIY project and though it may look like a simple task is best left to professionals. Apart from safe and efficient installation a professional is trained to remove the sash to replace window  glass without damaging the window, sill or surrounding area. Aside from this a professional will also know how to properly fit and seal the new glass for superior energy efficiency and long term performance.

WUIBS Fire-Rated Glass – An Excellent Glass Replacement Option To Ensure Safety And Compliance

Do you reside in Marin or Sonoma and located in a moderate to high risk wildfire zone? If so and you’re replacing window glass you should make it a priority to ensure that the glass in your windows complies with California’s Wildland-Urban Interface Building Standards For Fire Safety.

Here options like WUIBS fire rated glass in your replacement windows can serve to offer the protection you need as they’re designed to withstand heat and flames that come near homes during wildfires. This option also serves to promote compliance to safety standards and the implementation of general and wildfire safety.

Talk To The Experts At D&D Glassworks About The Window Replacement Option Best For You

Ready to choose your replacement windows? Let the experts here at D&D Glassworks help you to choose the perfect new windows for your home. Here our attentive staff can work with you to recommend the most convenient and cost effective option for your projects and best of all we can complete installation for you to ensure you get a more superior and long lasting performance.