One of the most popular glass options offered by Simonton Windows & Doors is frosted glass. Both functional and aesthetically pleasing, it’s a great choice for any home or commercial space’s interior and exterior. It comes in various textures, designs, and translucency density, and works beautifully with a variety of décor themes and architectural styles.
If you’ve decided to invest in these gorgeous windows, doors, and/or panels for your home or business, here are the top five ways to take care of them, including tips on cleaning frosted glass.
Top 5 Ways to Care for Frosted Glass
Whether it’s cleaning obscure glass or protecting the glass’ surface, neither task is complicated. But if you want the glass to look consistently attractive, performing regular maintenance will do the trick. One great tip to keep in mind: Always wear rubber or latex gloves when working around textured glass so you don’t leave your fingerprints behind.
- Frosted glass cleaning spray. The most important thing is to stay away from harsh cleansers and those that are citrus infused. Instead, use a commercial, ammonia-based glass cleaner. Some people prefer to make their own solution by mixing an equal amount of water and vinegar together.
- Removing hard water stains. Exterior frosted glass windows, doors, and panels can get hard water stains from things like sprinklers and water blasters. Glass shower doors can also be affected. Indoors, one way to avoid stains happening in the first place is to squeegee the glass after showering. Exterior glass can usually be cleaned with a paste made of vinegar and baking soda.

- Cleaning yellow frosted glass. Yellowed glass is caused by an accumulation of dirt and infrequent cleanings. A vinegar/water solution applied with soft sponge should do the trick.
- Keep up on regular frosted glass cleanings. The number one reason people have to deal with stubborn stains on their frosted glass is they don’t develop a regular maintenance routine.
- Avoid scratching the surface. Only use clean microfiber cloths or paper towels to dry frosted glass. You can also use crumbled newspapers.

Simonton energy-efficient windows and doors are a smart investment that offer a wealth of glass options to choose from, including frosted glass. To learn more about the latest on frosted glass cleanings, or to get a free estimate on replacement windows or doors for your Rohnert Park home, contact D&D Glassworks online today or call us at 707.536.9183.