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Choosing the Right Energy Efficient Replacement Windows D and D Glassworks Santa RosaChoosing energy efficient replacement windows involves several factors besides the glass itself. The frame material can also help prevent energy loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer. The quality of installation also affects the real energy savings you can expect.

Frame options for energy efficient replacement windows:

  • Vinyl: Polyvinyl chloride frames make excellent energy efficient replacement windows that last a long time with very little maintenance. The PVC resists weathering and can also be filled with foam or other insulation for even better energy performance.
  • Wood: As a natural insulator, wood frames respond well to temperature and weather changes. They require more maintenance than many other options, but ultimately make energy efficient replacement windows that are also very attractive.
  • Composite: This term refers to composite woods made from scrap lumber. Composite costs less than natural wood and performs similarly — often handling moisture changes better than full grain wood.
  • Fiberglass: This option costs more than many others but offers energy efficiency superior to most. They are very sturdy and feature a variety of inner insulation for different levels of protection.
  • Aluminum: Metal conducts energy too well, so aluminum is generally not the best option for energy efficient replacement windows. However, they are inexpensive and you can add insulating strips to the edges to increase efficiency.

Glass options for energy efficient replacement windows

Whatever you choose, you want a low U-factor and a low solar heat gain coefficient.

  • Double or Triple Glazing: These terms refer to windows with two or three panes of glass. The space between them gets filled with a sealed layer of argon or other gas that insulates very well.
  • Insulation: Insulated windows are like double glazed windows with sealed air rather than a gas-fill insulation.
  • Low-E Coating: Any energy efficient replacement windows can cut energy costs even further with a low-emissivity coating. Look for low-e coatings that block heat without blocking light.
  • Spectral Coatings: This refers to premium low-e coatings that let in visible light while blocking the infrared light that heats up your home in the summer.

You may want different energy efficient replacement windows for different rooms of the house, depending on sun exposure and other factors.

As you navigate the options, let us know if you have any questions! We can help you find beautiful windows with fantastic energy performance.