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You might have a favorite plumber or electrician, but chances are good that you have never hired a window contractor before in your current home. With research and interviews, you can find the right replacement window contractor for your needs and budget, and feel confident about hiring them.

A replacement window lasts decades, so the installer is very important. Here are our 6 tips for comparing your options before deciding on the contractor:

#1. Local Reputation

A track record in your immediate area is a great sign. Local contractors will know the best replacement window options and installation methods for your home, based on architecture and climate. And a great reputation in the neighborhood is something that a good contractor works hard to achieve.

Local presence also helps minimize costs, since remote businesses will typically add travel fees to the bill.

#2. References and Photos of Completed Work

The more established and experienced contractor will be happy to provide proof of their quality. Look for indicators that they have installed the kind of replacement window you are getting to make sure they have relevant expertise!

Construction Worker Installing New Windows In House

#3. Ability to Get the Job Done On Schedule

While interviewing candidates, try to peg things down in regards to their timeline and likelihood of finishing on schedule. If they dodge the questions now, they may well dodge the job later — you don’t want a contractor who abandons the project in the middle of things if a bigger job comes along. Most replacement window jobs should take about one day and the contractor should be able to give you an educated guess based on the number of windows.

#4. Listening Skills

Contractors should listen first and offer advice second. If a contractor is quickly cutting you off, trying to sway you toward a certain product or service that you do not want, consider it a red flag. Describe what you want from the replacement window and from the experience, and get a feel for which contractor seems concerned about meeting your expectations.

#5. Comparing Different Bids and Quotes

You probably know to be wary of estimates that are way less than the others. That guy is probably trying to scam you with hidden fees. But what if you get quotes that are approximately equal?

In all cases, you should get estimates in writing and review contracts — even the fine print — before hiring the replacement window installer. Makes notes about what’s different: possible surcharges, upfront payment demands, materials and labor not included in the quote, and warranties or lack thereof.

#6. Warranties and Service Disputes

Your choice of replacement window contractor is important. The quality of the installation greatly impacts the longevity and energy efficiency of the window.

Ask how your contractor would resolve a dispute. You should feel comfortable with the completion process and customer service; when will the job be considered finished, how much cleanup will there be for you to handle, and what happens if you aren’t happy with the final results? Contact us the window replacement professionals for expert advice and courteous service.