Windows Santa Rosa | Shower Glass Santa Rosa

Simonton Window Repair: Know the Facts

As a premium-quality vinyl window, Simonton products can be counted on for decades of low maintenance. Even still, you might find that you need Simonton window repair if your frames were not installed properly in the first place. Of course, there’s not much you can do to prevent an errant baseball or confused bird from crashing through the glass.

Simonton window repair should be performed by an experienced glazier, a glass and window specialist. Air and water leaks indicate that the frame needs to be better fitted. And if you need to replace the glass in Simonton windows or even get new frames or hardware installed, your local Simonton window repair company can help.

Simonton Window Repair for Drafts or Leaks

Without a precise fit, any window will let in air, develop excessive condensation, or allow moisture to seep in. You might even notice that the window is not as easy to open and close as it used to be. Even a professionally installed window can develop problems if the house settles or the surrounding wall gets damaged.

Your Simonton window repair specialist can troubleshoot the problem and offer relatively simple solutions, such as:

Replacement Glass for Simonton Windows

Window glass might need to be replaced if you have single pane windows or if you have old gas-filled windows that have lost their insulating power over time. 

We offer Simonton window repair including high energy-efficiency, gas-filled, dual pane windows. The insulated glass unit gets custom measured, installed, and sealed. Afterward, you’ll have a draft-free window that keeps more heating and cooling inside.

Simonton Window Repair, Maintenance, and Parts Replacement

Do you want a different finish for your window hardware after redecorating your interiors? Does your double-hung window or casement window need to be adjusted so it can open and close smoothly?

Our Simonton window repair company in Santa Rosa has the parts, tools, and customer-first attitude you’re looking for in a local glass shop. We can balance a sash window, add easy crank window handles, and repair or replace genuine Simonton window parts.

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