Windows Santa Rosa | Shower Glass Santa Rosa

Double-Glazed Windows Vary In Style

Are you a homeowner who is always searching for creative ways to improve and enhance your home? Did you ever consider replacing the existing windows you have with double-glazed windows? If you haven’t maybe it’s time you take a look at the extraordinary benefits homeowners can enjoy by installing double-glazed windows.

Enjoy Having Double-Glazed Windows in Your Home

You might think that the double glazed window is similar to that of the standard UPVC window but in reality its not. When speaking about these types of windows it more commonly refers to the technology of insulated glazing. These windows can come in the form of single, double or triple panes and are specially manufactured so panes range in thickness from 3mm-10mm.

Along with the advanced insulation technology, double-glazed windows are constructed with several unique techniques and applications. For example these windows can influence the amount of radiation transmitted in the sunlight within the home where the coatings on windows have the ability to reduce the UV rays transmitted within the home by up to 75%.

Another impressive feature that double-glazed windows offer to homeowners is their exceptional ability to reduce heat within the home in the hotter months and condensation in the colder periods of the year. Let’s say for instance the temperature is below zero you can sit in a chair beside a double-glazed window and not feel like it’s freezing. This benefit is a comfort certainly worth keeping in mind as heating or cooling costs can be significantly reduced.

Apart from the great benefits that homeowners receive from installing double glazed windows they come in an array of different styles. The casement double glazed windows are very popular. Mostly homeowners with larger homes favor these windows as they are designed to let in the maximum amount of light.

Casement windows are generally hinged on one side and open like doors where they open away from the house rather than inwards towards it. Along with providing adequate lighting in homes homeowners can enjoy exceptional air circulation as well. They even come with special options such as dark frames which would suit an older style homes or leaded glass for a more modern, contemporary finish.

Another impressive double-glazed, style, window is the Tilt and Turn design. The dual hinge feature in these windows permits flexibility and versatility. Its design allows the window to be opened inward from the side or from the top like most traditional windows.

In addition the tilt and turn styles are easily accessible when it is time to clean or carry out maintenance on windows and for parents with small children they provide an extra sense of security as you can tilt the windows just a fraction to allow air to in while only slightly opening the window.

If you own an older home and are looking for something more compatible to older architecture the Georgian Bar double glazed style would be perfect for you. Not only do they have a distinctive look but they complement window frames and blend in perfectly to look as though they are part of the window framework.

Given their self explanatory name these windows resemble the patterns that were common on authentic Georgian houses producing a beautiful unique finish to your home.

Overall double-glazed windows are proven to provide higher value and features than most traditional windows. They are versatile, offer an array of benefits to homeowners and are simply a sight to behold. Be the envy of your neighbors and install your double-glazed windows today you’ll be happy you made the switch.  Contact us for more information.

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